WEIGHT: 57 kg
Bust: B
1 HOUR:80$
NIGHT: +60$
Sex services: Massage anti-stress, Toys / Dildos, Massage Thai, Massage prostate, For family couples
Every metropolitan area in the country has prostitutes. For so many years here in Southern Arizona that meant one thing. The red-light district also known as Miracle Mile. They would be stopping cars You can see for yourself at Backpage. Instead, it reads more like the personal ads in the back of Tucson Weekly.
It's a much more organized kind of prostitution, he says, where groups of women travel from city to city, state to state, advertising their services online. They're headed to some of the nicest places in town. They use pre-paid Visa cards. They're staying at the Double Tree, they're staying at the Sheratons now. They're very organized," Kidd says. So organized, some even bring enforcers along with them. And that's where things can get pretty ugly for the unsuspecting john.
Captain Kidd says several local men have been robbed, beaten or extorted for more money after meeting in the hotel room. In some cases, they don't even get the sex they're looking for. But the problem isn't going away. For every pimp or prostitute taken off the streets, dozens more are eager to take their place. TPD simply doesn't have the resources to go after every case. But they want the public to know what's going on. A Columbia professor recently reported 61 percent of prostitutes solicit their services on Craigslist, with Facebook not far behind.
Just know you might be getting more than what you bargained for if you solicit one online. Copyright Tucson News Now. All rights reserved.